Thursday, November 19, 2009

What writery things are on your Christmas wish list???

This year I am asking for a portable hard drive. Exciting, I know. I have a lot of my work backed up on disk but it would be so nice to have everything in one place...and not have to worry about my laptop dying and taking with it all my hard work.

I also want a digital voice recorder...but I may just buy it myself instead of asking for it for Christmas. I am attending The Write Stuff writers conference in March and I am thinking it would be nice to record the seminars.

So what is on your list??? I want to know...maybe there's something I didn't know I needed!!


  1. ...the newest edition fo Writer's Market :) and a few of the many books on my list to read before the year is over.

  2. I have a few writer's books and some reading books and a LAPTOP. :)

  3. I don't even have a Christmas wish list.

    Honestly, all I want is a decent office space. I know I won't get that until we move in April.

    A new copy of Shrunk and White would be nice. I've managed to lose mine.

  4. My office space is my love seat until my daughter moves out (which will be at least 12 years from now). I've already claimed her room as my office/scrapbook/craft room. :)

  5. I'm hankering for a new laptop, mine likes to lock about sixteen times a day and no matter how often I save, i still end up losing work. So annoying.

  6. Oh, yuck! That's enough to drive any writer insane!!!!

  7. Books and a brand new flash drive so I can transfer stories!

  8. I think my main present will be a trip to my first writers conference! Yup, I'm excited :)

  9. Oooh...which one????? I'm going the The Write Stuf the end of March. It's my first conferece's small so I'm hoping it will be a pleasant first experience!

  10. On the promo end of writerly stuff... I've asked for one of those giantass paper trimmers -- you know, like they have at school with the beheading-capable blade? I totally need it now for bookmarks and other promo things (lots of trimming involved with bookmarks, both before and after laminating).
    On the digital recorder front, I found a really peach one at Costco a month ago. Snapped it up for either $30 or $40. Lots nicer features than I found in Target or Walmart.

  11. LOL! I have some scrapbooking trimmers here but nothing quite as bone-snapping!
