Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kind of excited here!!!

Got an email today from the people at Chicken Soup for the Soul. I'd written a piece a long while back....about my mom and my step mom and how I never knew why my biological mom left. But now as an adult, I don't so much care. My step mom was wonderful and I couldn't have asked for better!

So I came across a submission call for a CSFTS "Thanks Mom" edition. I sent the piece....I figured- "What the heck?"

Well, lo and behold....in my inbox today was an email informing me that the piece made it to the final round...which only 5% of entries make!! AND it said the vast majority of those entries make it into the final book! SWEET!!!!! If it makes it I get $200 and 10 copies of the book. All rights revert to me too!

My career keeps moving step by step in the right direction....some days I just cannot believe this is happening for me!!!!


  1. Congratulations! That's FANTASTIC!

  2. That's awesome. Congrats to you. (:

  3. OMG, that is terrific! Congratulations!! You must be so excited :)

  4. Wow! That is exciting. I'm so happy for you, congrats! Also-I have an award for you at my blog. Just click on the picture, save and post in your lovely space. :)

  5. Congrats! Glad things are going well for you.

  6. Congrats! What exciting news!!

    I hope you get chosen for the book, I'll definitely pick up a copy!

  7. congrats!! let me know when it comes out!

  8. Stephanie, that's wonderful! Big congratulations!

  9. I had a "what the heck" experience w/ Chicken Soup too and was in the Power Moms one. This is great news! I didn't know the percentages. Makes me feel pretty thankful, too.
    ~ Wendy

  10. Thanks everyone!!!! 5% is really amazing!!!

  11. Sweet! Huge congrats, and guess what? You'll probably get to include a log-line with your publishing credis... such as a certain awesome chicklit novel. :)
