Friday, October 22, 2010

Why am I sitting here? I have things to do!

Yeah...I have tons to do right now. Tonight is my turn to host the monthly Girls Night in with my close group of friends. (Can you say martinis and comfort food???) I have to clean the bathroom, do up some dishes, get the dining room ready....and a pan of homemade mac n cheese isn't going to magically appear in my oven. Ohh and what's that son needs a diaper change too.

But where am I??? Right here, at my computer. I've just spent the last two hours reading blogs, commenting on blogs, Twittering, Facebooking, Goodreads, etc.... I think I'm a little obsessed, but not obsessed with social networking, per say. I'm obsessed with getting myself out there and connecting with people. I'm obsessed with getting people to want to read my book.

I need to do this. I need to be successful. I need to make something of this dream.

There's so much I want and I want it now! I so feel like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I see other people have it and I want it too. Sometimes I really want to stamp my feet and be bratty. Sometimes I wish my daddy would ask "Okay, how much?" and buy me my dream come true.

No, that's not true. I've always been a girl who needs to earn what I have. And yeah...nothing worth having comes easy. I know that.

Sometimes I just wish it wasn't so damn hard. It would be so much easier if my dream was to be a doctor. You go to school and as long as you apply yourself and work hard, you dream will someday come true.

With my dream there is no guarantee...ever.

Okay, the stink is getting to me and I really need to go clean!


  1. Publishing is the slowest business I know. Maybe acting, too. Low pay, a lot of work, and it all comes down to whether or not people like you (or your work).

    Focus on the good things that happen, and keep working on the next novel. Sometimes it's like stairs... one leads to another.

    John Grisham's first book was something of a flop salewise until he wrote The Firm. :)

  2. It can feel that way and it's crappy. You'd think that with all the people who you do connect with that read and write would die to read your book, but if they're anything like me they have a list of to-do's! It makes it hard for anyone!

    However, you have some serious determination and that already raises the favor of your dream!

  3. How successful was the night of cleaning and girls???

    I've heard that those who dream big are rewarded big... oh and nothing comes easy. Guess you're doing it right if it's hard work!
