Monday, May 11, 2009

I LOVE a good bargain!

This blog doesn't so much focus on my writing today...but maybe a writing related blurb at the end....

I love a confessed shop-a-holic, I am obsessed with them. All though I wish for unlimited funds to shop with it's not a reality (till I'm selling millions of books anyway). So I need to bargain hunt and clip my coupons and take advantage of whatever deals and promotions my favorite stores decide to put out.

Yesterday I went to NY&Co, one of my favorite stores. It was my Mother's Day present....a couple hours of childless shopping. Armed with my City Cash vouchers (basically two coupons that allowed me $30 off if I spent $60), I stepped in the store and immediately began filling my arms with cute items for summer. Then I hit the dressing room and condensed about 10 items down to two. The dress was $42.95 and the cute sweater, $39.95. They were having a one item, get the second for 1/2 off. BONUS!! In the end, I spent $34 (including tax) for two items that regularly cost $83 before tax. Score for me! Isn't it wonderful to dress so chic for so little money!

Then today I was very excited to get a postcard in the mail from Home Depot. As a homeowner, I think possessing a Home Depot credit card is must. Every spring we do a major shopping trip for garden things, mulch, etc...then things that need updating in the house. This year it will be a light/exhaust fan for the bathroom. If you spend $299 or more (which is never ever a problem) you can put it on your Home Depot card interest free for 1 year!! AND with this special postcard I got today, 10% off your entire bill! Sweet! Should a discount on chain link fence supplies be such a thrill for me....HELL YEAH! Saving money is always a thrill.

So with all this talk of bargain shopping makes me wonder about book bargains and the section of Barnes and Noble and Borders and all those other chain stores that have a "Bargain Books" section, usually near the front of the store. How do the authors feel about this??? Do they make the same amount of money on their book??? I don't know the specifics, but I am almost sure they still earn royalties on the suggested cost. But would that feel, as a writer, to see your baby no longer on the main shelves??

I check these sections every time I go in there and have gotten some steals! Why pay double or even triple the cost for a basic slow cooker cookbook or a kids storybook??? Especially if the author is still getting their full royalties. My best deal ever was a copy of Vera Wang's wedding book....normally I think it was like $50 or $60...I think I snatched it up from the bargain section for $10 or $15. (Then a few years later sold it on ebay for like $20 or $25 LOL!)


  1. LOL You're funny.
    I'm not much of a shopper, but my hubby is totally about a good deal. LOL! Good for you for hunting up the best prices. :-)

  2. I LOVE getting great deals like that!!

  3. There's nothing like a rocking deal to make my day - kudos to you for being so savvy :)
