Monday, September 28, 2009

Do you envision a face when you write??

I do. Usually it is some popular actor...if it's someone I've watched many times...and studied (especially cute hunky guys!!), I know they way they move, the way they smile. I know what their voice sounds like...I can hear my dialogue come from their lips. I envision them in my scenes and it helps me give better descriptions of the action. The story comes alive in my head and it helps me get it onto paper (or rather computer screen!) And if I am not sure about something, I simply have my characters play out a new scene and if I like my mental movie, it gets changed in my manuscript.

So of course.....IF my book were ever to be made into a movie.......I already have the leads picked out :) For A Bitch Named Karma, leading lady is Rebecca Budding. She knows how to play a sassy woman. Her gay best friend, Cameron Mathison- never seen him play a gay man, but I think he would be good at it!! (Google them if you need a visual!) And my MC's love interest.....oh yes....Zac Efron! (Yes, she falls for a young guy and he is dreamily perfect for the part!!!!! And if my book does someday get made into a movie, I would insist that I be present for any and all love scene filmings!!) He has those eyes and that sexy innocent smile!


  1. That's funny because I pictured Zac Efron for a character in my young adult series. Mental movies really do help with writing!

  2. Yes! In fact for my wip now, my hero looks exactly like Patrick Dempsey. LOL!

  3. I sensing a pattern here with McDreamys and McSteamys????

  4. I actually can't think of a single character who I've written picturing an actor or actress (or anyone really). I think my characters are all compilations of people I have known in real life, but never one specific person. So interesting though! I might have to try writing with a specific face in mind.

  5. I'll admit, I'm addicted to a soap opera!! LOL!! So I have "known" these actors for many many years. I know how they act in every type of situation- happiness, sadness, despair and of course love scenes! I write contemporary romance so it's extremely important to get that stuff right!! It helps me to have a visual when I write!

  6. I don't actually imagine this guy as I write but when I first picture my MC, I imagined David Beckham! Yummers.
    Btw, I've nominated your blog for Kreativ Blogger. Check it out on my site!
