Thursday, September 17, 2009

Editing has sucked the life out of me.

I apologize for not posting much lately. I have been sucked into edit world and it has drained me. I have nothing remotely excited to blog about.

Sometimes I like editing...but other times........It's now to the point where I sit here and make up every excuse not to open my manuscript and get to work: "Oh, gotta check Facebook", "Oh, email check # 5 of the day needs to be done"....."Oh, I better pop into 'fill-in-the-blank-with-any-random-website' to see what's going on there." Anything to stall....

I think I read somewhere that if you still like looking at your manuscript then you haven't edited it enough.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel...I do..I'm getting there! Soon it will be finished....I was never given a deadline for this last self edit....but it will be in my editors inbox before I leave for my trip.....12 days to go.

Once I finish what I'm doing now...which is correcting those no no words.....I am going to do at least one read through, start to finish....I'm kinda excited for that. It's been a long while since I read it and it's changed a lot with all the rewording I've done.


  1. Editing is the most draining process for me also. The writing, that's candy. Editing...that's yucky squash.
    ~ Wendy

  2. Or yucky spinach. I hate spinach! Good luck with your editing. I can't wait to read your book!

  3. Thanks Aubrie!! I am so excited that you want to read it!!!!

    I would have to compare editing to mushrooms....yuck..not a fan at all...especially when my hubby sautes them with balsamic vinegar and whatever other stuff he throws in...OMG! stinks up the entire house!!
