Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What's your favorite thing about romance novels?

I recently asked readers why they love romance novels. What keeps them coming back for more. 

Eris Field said, "I read them to be taken away." I think that's a popular answer. All of us want to go somewhere else when we read. That's the point. For most, reading is an escape. It enables us to leave our troubles behind and lose ourselves in someone else's world...someone else's love story. Whether you have your own love story in real life or not. As Sarah Carol said, "I love romances because I hope to find my happily ever after someday." And I think we like to lose ourselves in someone else's problems, too. Maybe it helps us cope with our own. If they can do it, so can we! 

"I want realism. I want stupid problems. I want humor and sarcasm. I want to not see everything always so back and white. I want flawed heroines and heros." This is what Karen McClive likes in a  romance novel. I agree. I don't want to read about a super model who never gains a pound and never has a pimple, whose life is perfect in every way. Or a hero who always says and does the right things. How boring is that??? I want real characters. I want characters who I would totally hang out with in real life. I want to care about them. I want to root for them. Linda Smolarek likes "quirky characters in interesting settings." Me too. :)

Pat Poreda wants "to fall in love with that hero- with his soul, his mind." She likes the nerds ;) Heros are so so important to a romance novel. He's gotta be the perfect match for our heroine, though definitely not a perfect person. He needs to be sexy, but not always in the obvious way with bulging muscles and washboard abs. Romance has evolved past Fabios. (Not gonna lie though, I like me a nice muscular hero, too!) But it's more about him he treats her. 

So tell me....what brings you back to romance? Do you agree with my readers??

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hero love!

We can't have a romance novel without a hero! (Well, technically, we F/F romance!) But today I'm talking about the guys!

I know many authors don't like to give too much description of their heros and don't often post celebrity inspiration photos because they like the reader to envision him for themselves. Not everyone has the same idea of sexy. And I agree. There have been times I've read a book and the hero wasn't exactly my idea of yumminess. Like a guy with long hair. It's just not my thing. So.....I kinda just nix that part as I read and fill it in with a picture of a guy I find more attractive ;) It works for me :)

But there is no denying that certain jobs or clothes make a hero unbelievably sexy. Can you resist a man in uniform? I don't think many women can! Cowboys are super hot, and right now, I hear the biker heros are way delicious.

And tattoos?? Oh yes!!!! The bad boy with a heart of gold......

And what about personality? I'm not a huge fan of alphas. Again, just not my thing. I don't write alphas, but I don't consider them betas either. Somewhere in the middle?? LOL Sensitive guys.

So, what's your idea hero??? Pictures welcome ;)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tomorrow isn't a guarantee.....

Very often we hear- "Life is short...make the most of it." And I think we all plan to, but responsibilities get in the way. We resort to- "I'll have time later...." But nothing drives home the fact that there isn't always time later like a young person being robbed of their life.

I have always been a Live Life to the Fullest kind of gal. We are always doing fun things with our kids and just hubby and me, with our friends. I want to be 80 and say, "Man, I did a lot of cool stuff!" I don't want to be 80 and have regrets....wondering what I did with my time on earth.

If given the choice between doing housework or doing something fun with my family, fun and family always wins. Dishes can wait. The laundry can pile. If we run out of clean underwear, then we have a problem....but otherwise, we're good!

We're not rolling in dough, but our bills are always paid on time. We spend the rest of our money enjoying life. We just aren't huge savers and we never will be. When given the choice of putting $100 in the bank and saving it, or spending it doing something fun with my kids.....I'm sure you know what wins. We rarely buy our kids "stuff," but we sure spend money on experiences and fun. I know many people need the security of a hefty bank account and I can respect that. But that's not us. We'd rather have a small nest egg and spend the rest on us, doing things we love, with the people we love...making memories.

I have also hear people say, "I want to (fill in the blank) someday." Write a book, learn to play an instrument, travel to a certain place, run a marathon, take an art class..... Why is it always "someday?" Someday might not ever come. If there's something you want to do in your life, then do it. Make it happen!

Because there are so many people who were never given the chance to make things happen for themselves. Because their lives were cut short. Their tomorrow never came. And I guarantee you they are looking down from wherever they are, yelling at you to get off your ass and just do it.

Rest in Peace Emily. Your vibrant light will be missed.....

Friday, October 23, 2015

XOXO Reader Event!!!

I am soooooooo excited about this event!! It's an all day readerfest filled with special guests, sexy fun, surprises, games, and more, all from the comfort of your home!!!!!

I'll be playing a game of Dirty Telephone at 1:30 pm EST. That promises to be hilarious. ;)

Check out this link with details and the event line up!! You won't want to miss this!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Yay! I'm finally doing a reader/author event!!

I'm always looking for new ways to connect with readers and I'm learning that face to face is an awesome way!!

Unfortunately, my city is not very supportive of the romance genre. We get snubbed often. :( Once  I did a local book fair and oh my the looks I got! I was shocked. I never expected that kind of reception from a community that is very supportive of all art forms. I left feeling extremely defeated. I've done other events as well, with the same reactions.

So I knew I needed to look outside my community for romance novel fans. I have friends who did the Lori Foster event earlier this year and said it was fabulous! Registration for that won't open for a couple months yet. I'll have my fingers crossed that I get in. But in the meantime, I signed up to do a reader/author event in Pittsburgh in March! There will be more than 70 romance authors for an all day book fair. Then in the evening, the VIP guests get to attend a fabulous dinner with all the authors! It all sounds so fun! I can't wait!!

If you're in the Pittsburgh area, check it out! Click here!

Have you ever been to a reader/author event? Thoughts?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

So much for relaxing!

I finished book 3 in my lingerie series- ONE SIZE FITS ALL, Penny's story, and got it in to my editor on time! Woo hoo!!!! She emailed me back to confirm and said she was a little behind so she probably wouldn't get me my revision letter until the end of October. Fine by me!! That meant a month off. Which I so desperately needed. (See my last blog post!)

But somehow that month of time...which I'd planning on lounging and relaxing and catching up on some books I wanted to read, etc.... Not happening. My to-do list grew by the day! Which was my own fault. That's what happens when you decide to start a new business! ;)

So how's your life going?? Is it busy and hectic? In a good way? I actually thrive on being busy :)  But I need downtime too.

Monday, September 14, 2015

My crazy summer is almost over!!

It's been a hell of a few months. Here's a short recap, if you're interested:

I spent the month of June preparing (and pulling my hair out) for my 20 year high school reunion that I ended up planning pretty much all on my own. Everything went off without hitch though.

The second week of July was our family vacation. Lots of fun in the Caribbean sun!

The third week of July I was in NYC for the RWA National conference. SOOOOO awesome!!!

After that I was in countdown for my sister in law's wedding. Which included a weekend bachelorette getaway for the girls, then a weekend bachelor getaway for the boys. Then came wedding weekend.

And then back to school hoopla.

Oh yeah and I was (and still am) on MAJOR deadline for book 3 in the Classy 'n' Sassy series: ONE SIZE FITS ALL (Penny's story) I managed a 10 day extension from my editor. It was originally due tomorrow.

But now I am settling back into a normal routine. Today is the first full week of school for my kids. I'm looking forward to getting this book finished and the time off I will take after to sit and relax and do some of the things I didn't get to do all summer, like sit on my deck and read. (As long as the weather cooperates).

I've got exciting things coming up. My agent is hard at work trying to find homes for two new books! Woo hoo! Lots of bites. Hoping they pan out soon! And I'll be a participating author at the Angels and Sirens romance event in Pittsburgh, PA in March! Check it out here! I'm trying to get into a similar the event in Cleveland and I will also try to get into the Lori Foster event. I heard it's AMAZING!

How was your summer? Crazy or relaxed? Go anywhere fun???

Monday, June 8, 2015

My 5 year publishing anniversary!

I knew yesterday's date sounded familiar, but it wasn't until today that I put my finger on it. On June 7th, 2010, my first book--A BITCH NAMED KARMA-- released. That was the day I officially became a published author!!! It's been five years and soooooo much has happened. I've learned so much and have really grown as a person and a writer.

This anniversary really makes me step back and think about my career. This is my second career, in case you didn't know :) My college degree and 13 years of my life were devoted to the floral industry.  I started writing just to see if I could actually do it. To see if I could complete a book. I was soooooo proud when I did!! That book never did--and never will-- see the light of day, but when I finished it, I went on to write a book I called Not Another Chick Lit Novel. After several re-writes and a name change, it finally found a home with Lyrical Press. I was so excited and so thankful they had given me a chance. Renee Rocco believed in me and helped me start this new career I was quickly falling head over heels in love with.

There have been MANY ups and down since then, and I will openly admit I am no where near where I'd hoped to be five years later. But I am soooooo much closer. The journey to publication and publishing success is a long one and nothing about it is easy. I often describe this time in my life as me going back to school. So many adults make a career change and go back to school for a new degree. I didn't actually go back to school, but boy did I ever get an education! When TRY ME ON FOR SIZE released last year, it was like my graduation and first job after college. I had arrived and was ready to make it in the world! I paid my dues, I worked hard, I didn't give up, and those years of learning WILL pay off :)

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where I go in the next 5 years! Thank you for being here...for supporting me...for reading my books. Thank you to all my friends and beta readers who've read through my manuscripts, who helped me perfect my words. Thank you to my editors, especially Piper Denna, who saw something special in me and my manuscript and took the time to teach me. I would not be where I am without any of you, and I won't be able to go forward without you either! :)

Monday, June 1, 2015


It's my book bday!!!!! Woo hoo!!

Come celebrate with me at my Facebook party! It goes from 10 am til 10 pm, EST! Click here!

And if you want a little teaser, here's the opening scene of SIZE MATTERS! ;)

If a bicycle had a penis and eyes pleading for a blow job, the whole ordeal would be just like riding a bike. It’s one of those things a person never forgets how to do, no matter how much time has passed. But Bryn Harper hadn’t had sex with a living, breathing man in nearly two and a half years. The only sex she’d had involved rubber and vibrating replicas of manliness. So being in this position—nearly naked as she stepped into her dimly lit bedroom—felt far more difficult than pedaling around on two wheels.
“Hey.” Bryn managed a coy smile as she stood in the doorway connecting her bathroom to her bedroom.
“Wow. You look gorgeous,” Eli said, alleviating some of her anxiety.
She fidgeted with the lace hem of her see-through chemise. “Thanks.”
Bryn had been sort of dating Eli for a couple of months, and it was finally time to do the deed. She’d chosen him as her get-back-on-the-bike guy. Cute and polite, well mannered, with a smokin’ hot bod. He’d help her get it over with, make the fear go away.
They’d been friends for a while, having met at their kids’ school during Field Day. They’d bonded while serving hot dogs to ravenous elementary students. Casual coffees turned into dinner every other week. He was a nice guy to hang out with and he understood what she wanted—light and casual. Attempting to find love again was on her list, but not right now. Not yet. It was still too soon.
Bryn took a deep breath as she left the safety of her bathroom and stepped into the bedroom, illuminated by a half dozen candles. She kneeled on the bed and crawled to him, hoping it looked way sexier than it felt.
Eli’s ravenous gaze ripped off her transparent outfit and devoured her body. Wonder how long it’s been for him? He looked pretty damn hungry. He’d been divorced almost as long as Bryn had been widowed. But surely he had dated in that time. Divorcés were usually back on the bike much faster than widowed riders—the anger-bang, revenge sex.
Bryn would never forget the day her doorbell rang and she ran to answer it, three-year-old Cammie on her hip, her hair a mess, never expecting to find what she did. As soon as she saw the uniformed soldier on her porch, she knew. Her husband would never come home again.
After Johnny died, all Bryn had wanted to do was curl up in bed with her three kids and hold them close. She’d stayed there for days, maybe even weeks. And when she finally came out, life was measured one hour at a time. If she could make it that far without crying, that was progress. Then it was two hours, then three. When she’d made it a whole twelve hours, she’d rejoined society and gone back to work. Her kids needed some kind of normalcy after weeks of seeing her a bawling mess of misery.
But that’s as far as the normalcy in her life went. The only things that mattered were her store and the kids. Finding a companion—love—had been the furthest thing from her mind.
But here she was, two and a half years later, and it was getting really hard to be a single mom, especially to growing boys. Jaxson and Zachary needed a man in their lives, one they could relate to. Grandpa wasn’t really cutting it. Dating Eli was part one in giving her family what it needed.
And Bryn needed a man in her life, too. Not for financial support, protection, and overall dependency, but for companionship and, yeah, sex. Lots of sex. A real, live man to hold her, taste her, and caress her body. Dildos and vibrators were fun, but they didn’t whisper sweet nothings and dirty talk in her ear or press feather-light kisses along her spine.
Bryn focused on Eli, and damn, he looked good lying there. She scanned his seminaked body. For a guy in his late thirties, he had a fine physique. Mounded pecs and sculpted biceps, muscular thighs that made her yearn to be between them. No six-pack, but she wasn’t exactly model shape, either. Her eyes traveled south to his black boxer briefs, where a tent was already forming. Phew! There was a halfway-hard penis waiting for her, and the flow of moisture between her thighs told her she was more than ready for it. It gave her the courage to keep moving forward.
He sat up and pulled her toward him, kissing her far more passionately than they’d kissed before. Until this point, it had only been mini kisses after dinner on her porch, the kids peeking out the front window. But tonight they were blocks away at her parents’ house. No giggles. No interruptions.
Eli pressed her body to the bed with his and trailed a kiss across her neck to her earlobe. Bryn giggled. So much for no giggles.
“I’m sorry. That’s my ticklish spot.”
“It’s okay.” Eli smiled at her. He had a really nice smile. And eyes. He raised one eyebrow, his lips curling into a sinister grin. “I want to taste all your ticklish spots.”
That sounded fun. Bryn’s hunger was most definitely back. She lost her giggles and pulled his lips back to hers, raking her hands down his back, hesitating at the band of his underwear. This was it. A smidgen of fear crept back in, but she squashed it, reminding herself how much better an orgasm felt when performed by someone other than herself, or a vibrator, even the Ultra Vibe with its clit stimulator and rotating pleasure beads.
Time to get that body completely naked. As Bryn reached her hands inside the elastic, the phone rang. Intent on ignoring it, she rubbed down his smooth ass. A soft murmur emanated from Eli’s throat and he moved his lips to her chest, peeling the lace away from her breast before smothering it with his warmth.
The answering machine clicked on and echoed through the house. “Bryn, honey, it’s Mom. I just have a quick question about one of the kids. Call me when you get in.”
There was no better mood killer than the sound of her mother’s voice.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

SIZE MATTERS book trailer!!

Sooooo excited about this!!! One of my readers made this for me. For ME!!!!!! So so cool!!! THANK YOU Silly Reader!!!!!! Check it out!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Only 6 weeks to go!!!!!!!

I can't believe it's almost here!!!! SIZE MATTERS releases on June 1st!!

It's been a long time since I signed the contract for this one! When Simon and Schuster offered me a contract for TRY ME ON FOR SIZE, I was ELATED that they were offering me a 2-book deal. Woo Hoo!!! I already knew I wanted to write a second book and make it a series, so I was so so happy they wanted that as well. That was June 2013. Almost 2 years ago!

FINALLY it's almost time! SIZE MATTERS is the second in my Classy 'n' Sassy Lingerie series. If you haven't read TRY ME ON FOR SIZE yet, it's a must do!!! Here is my link with all purchasing info for both books!!! Click here!!!

And if you're a Netgalley's up and ready to be read and reviewed ;)

Monday, March 16, 2015

RWA Nationals for a Newbie!

I'm so excited to be lucky enough to go to the RWA National Conference two years in a row!! YIPPEEE!!!!! Last year was my first time, after dreaming of going for years. It can be pretty intimidating for a first timer, especially if you don't do any research beforehand. But luckily I did and after experiencing it all, I want to share with other first timers to help make it easier for them!

Tip #1: Make friends before you go!

Last year, maybe a week or two before I left for San Antonio, I came across a Google video chat for conference attendees, geared toward first timers. It was the coolest thing. I got to meet some wonderful ladies and learned some great things from them. But as great as their advice was, it wasn't even the best part. I made friends...before I even went. The first night in San Antonio, before the conference officially began, I wasn't real sure what to do with myself. I had no plans. I only really knew my roommate, and she had plans. I was on my own. And then I walked into the lobby of the hotel and there they were- my new friends. They immediately welcomed me into their group. I spent the next few hours with them and it was awesome. All throughout the conference I kept running into "friends" I had met online through Twitter and Facebook, some I had "known" for years. It was great to finally meet them in person. Use social media before you go to find out which of your cyber friends will be there! If none are, check out the RWA forums...make friends.

Tip #2: Make friends while you're there!

I know most of us writers are sort of introverted. And that's okay. But the RWA National Conference is a great opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and connect with other writers just like you. Here's two awesome things that happened to me. I was sitting at my very first workshop on that Thursday morning. A woman sat next to me and we started chatting. She's awesome and now we are friends. One of the nights, I had no plans, so I decided to head down to the bar and lobby to see if there was anything fun going on. I sat down and within minutes, I started chatting with some women. A whole bunch of members from the Houston chapter. I made a bunch of new friends! It is SOOO easy to make new friends at the conference. There is so much that is a conversation starter. Many people saw my name badge (pictured above) and noticed I was a first timer. They asked me how I liked it, etc.. While in line for Starbucks one day, I started chatting up a woman who was nominated for a Golden Heart award (it was also on her badge). Another friend made. VERY IMPORTANT- always have business cards on you to hand to new friends. That way they will know your name and can look you up later on when they go home and the madness has ended. The RWA badges have a fabulous little pocket in the back perfect for holding business cards :)

Tip #3: Nametags are AWESOME!

I didn't know how I'd feel about wearing a name badge for 3 solid days, but wow, it was really convenient! Soooooo many times I ran into people I knew looked familiar. Day in and day out, when at home, I see tiny photos on social media of all my writer friends. When you actually see people in the flesh, it's hard to match them with their tiny photo! But all I had to do was glance down and BAM! There was their name! It made everything soooo much easier. And I didn't feel stupid for not knowing their name.

Tip #4: Pack smart!

Most conference attendees share a room with at least one other person. This year I am sharing with 3 (EEK! This will be interesting! LOL!) So space can sometimes be an issue. My advice is to purchase a hanging toiletry bag. Everything I needed fit inside and I could grab it and take it with me to the bathroom area, use what I needed, throw it back in, then fold it up and move it out of the way. Bring only the shoes you will actually wear. I think I brought like 7 pairs last year and only wore like 4. Other people will tell you not to bring heels, but I totally did. I rarely get to wear them and they looked fabulous with my pencil skirts. During the day, you mostly sit in workshops and only walk when you go from one to the next. So totally bring them and wear them. Hangers!! One of the best things I stuck in my suitcase was hangers! The hotel only gives you so many, so if you're sharing a room with 1, 2 or 3 others, guess what? The hangers go to whoever's there first. (Edited to add- I was told after this posted- you can request more hangers from Housekeeping! Good to know!!) One other thing that was a god-send- a portable cell phone charger! I used my phone a lot during the day, for the RWA app (since it had my daily schedule on it) and the internet and texting home to check in with the hubby and kiddos, locating my friends at the conference, etc...  And as we all know, smartphone batteries drain fast. I spent less than $15 on a portable battery charger and kept it in my tote. It was awesome.

Tip #5: Dress the part!

I saw a wide range of apparel at RWA Nationals last year. I am in no way judging anyone on what they choose to wear. I am a big advocate of wearing what makes you most comfortable...within reason. Pajama pants and a sweatshirt are a no no! LOL (I must clarify that I never saw anyone dressed like that, it was just an example!) But this is a professional organization with professional people. If you plan on pitching to an agent or editor, definitely make sure your apparel is appropriate. There are plenty of options that are comfortable yet still fit into the business casual style. And if you plan on attending the Rita and Golden Heart ceremony, feel free to let your inner glamazon out! Many people go all out for the event and it's really fun. (If you're into fancy hairdos and dresses!) This is a big event for those nominated, and it's just plain fun to get all dressed up. It's the closest I'll ever get to an Oscar ceremony ;)

Tip #6: Snacks!

Before I went last year, I allocated specific amounts of money for each meal. Breakfast was included two of the days, and lunch one day. This year there is breakfast 3 mornings, no lunch. Dinners you're on your own. I planned on eating a nice lunch everyday...and that so did not happen. A few days before I left I grabbed some individually packaged almonds and some fruit bars from Target. They were a LIFESAVER! There just was not time to get food. Unless I wanted to skip a valuable workshop. There was a Starbucks in the lobby that had tons of fabulous little sandwiches and things, but between workshops, the line was soooooo long. I never would have made it in time.

Tip #7: Take advantage of everything offered!

There is SOOOO much to do at the RWA conference. There are workshops on everything imaginable related to the writing and publishing world. There are parties and meet ups and goody rooms to explore. You're doing yourself a huge disservice if you don't participate in everything that's offered to you. And don't under underestimate the power of the hotel bar! This conference is all about education and networking. It's the most inspiring thing I've ever done in my life and it's completely addicting.

Tip #8: Don't try to do too much

RWA Nationals is 3 to 4 solid days of go go go. It's okay to pick and choose how you spend your days. I planned on attending workshops non-stop and pre-selected all the ones I wanted to go to (Thanks to the handy dandy app RWA put together!) But when I got there, the reality was that it just wasn't possible. So I varied the workshops I attended and only attended the ones I needed most (mainly craft and marketing). If you're not sure a specific workshop is for you, but you want to check it out anyway, sit near the back and duck out if you need to.

Tip #9: Books, books, and more books. Did I mention there's free books?

I heard about the book signings beforehand and how awesome they were and how people shipped books home and packed their suitcases with them. When I made my plans, I had no intention of going to any publisher signings. Until the one day I had nothing going on at a particular time and checked one out. Holy was a readers paradise! Tables upon tables of authors, just giving away copies of their books for free. It was so so hard to resist. I tried to limit myself and only came home with 38...but I so could have doubled or tripled that.

Tip #10: Try to do some sight seeing!

Last year's RWA conference was my first time visiting Texas. So of course I needed to take advantage of that! I didn't think I'd have much time during the conference to sight see, (And I was right!) so I booked a flight home that left me a good amount of time on Sunday. And it was so cool! I took a fun boat cruise at the Riverwalk and checked out The Alamo. It was very very fun :)

And last but not least.....

Tip #11: Have fun! RWA Nationals is a fabulous event full of inspiring workshops. But it's also a ton of fun!!!! Last year I didn't even bring my laptop. A lot of people thought I was weird. But I honestly had no desire to write then and there. I know many people who did though. I wanted to soak up the experience. And I'm not gonna a mom of two kids who rarely gets any alone time, I was so taking advantage and got out of my room and enjoyed my time!

So there they 11 tips for RWA National Conference newbies. Maybe even some experienced conference goers will find something of use here :) And PLEASE share your own tips below. Did I miss anything important?? Maybe you can help me for conference #2 in NYC!!!!

(Check the comments for more tips from readers!!!)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

With age comes wisdom?

Over the last year or so I've kind of felt this wave of enlightenment. I didn't know how to explain it. And finally it dawned on me.....I'm getting wise.

When I was younger, it sounded ridiculous to me that people got wise as they aged. I was smart, I had a good head on my shoulders, I made good decisions, I used common how was it that I was not wise? all makes sense now.

I'm not all that far from 40 and I certainly do feel wiser. I feel more confident than ever. I feel as if I am making smarter decisions. I have learned how to be a better person, a better friend. I've learned to listen more. I stand up for myself more, but only fight the battles that are worthwhile. I've learned to hold my tongue (and fingers) when I should (but that's still a work in progress). I ask for what I want and make it happen, and I go after my dreams. I've learned what's important in life and where to put my time and energy. I now have the wisdom and experience to know what's really important.

I think youth is a wonderful thing. It's great to have freedom and a world of possibilities, experience new things, make *think* you know it all and not realize til many years later that you really didn't. It's all part of life and growing up. I've always felt the whole "coming of age" thing was not just for teens in movies and books. It can happen at any age. And it can happen more than once in your keeps happening. you agree?? Does wisdom come with age? Do you think you are wise??

Friday, February 27, 2015

SIZE MATTERS Cover Reveal and Giveaway!

I always love cover reveal day!!!

When it lands in my inbox, I'm always so nervous to click. You just never know what the cover artists are gonna do....if they get the overall theme and feel of the book. I'll be honest, the first 2 options were not winners. But we found success with #3!

SIZE MATTERS is the sequel to TRY ME ON FOR SIZE! It releases June 1st!! YAY! Can't wait for everyone to read Bryn's story!

And without further it is!!!

I love the colors. I love the guy and the girl. I LOVE the hat. So so sexy. It matches the look of TRY ME ON FOR SIZE. I'm so so happy with it!!!

Here's the blurb:

In this saucy, sexy, laugh-out-loud romp, a lingerie shop owner and single mom falls for the hunky cop who just happens to holster his own perfectly sized weapon.  

Bryn, co-owner of Classy ‘n’ Sassy Lingerie shop with her best friend Mia, is ready to get back out in the dating world after losing her husband to the war overseas. Diving into bad first dates, online set-ups, and guys who just can’t get the message, Bryn can’t stop thinking about Eli, the sexy neighborhood cop who’s also a great dad. But between Bryn’s dead husband and Eli’s messy divorce, will these two have what it takes to overcome their baggage and fan the flames between them?

And now for something else fun! I'm giving away a prize to celebrate my cover release! Enter until midnight EST! I will draw a winner tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another lightbulb moment....

Recently I've had another huge lightbulb moment in my life. I've had a few over the years. Read about them here!

But this time it was about exercise and nutrition. It took a long time to admit, but I am officially getting older and that meant big changes for my body. My metabolism is not what it used to be. But I was gung ho to prove that none of that mattered. I could get back to the weight I wanted, if I just worked hard. So I hit the gym...hard...ignoring the signs my body gave me that I was overdoing it. I changed my diet and cut out things I loved. (I was MISERABLE!) I became a little obsessed about it all....but still....none of it worked.

And then one day...I got on the floor to do some stretches and ab work and when I stood up pain radiated through my body. And I knew. It was the last straw. That was five months ago and my back is still not right. It might not ever be. It's a chronic condition I've lived with for many years and I know how to handle it. I shouldn't have let myself ignore it.

So I kind of woke up. I had to accept one thing in my life that I might not ever be able to change. And it sucks. Big time. It sucks to work hard and see zero results. It sucks to know I can't push harder because of where I'll end up. It sucks to know I might be stuck like this a body I'm not really all that happy with.

But I refuse to sacrifice my happiness (I like to eat delicious food! Not all the time, not every day, but on occasion. I know how to use moderation. I refuse to eliminate things from my life completely.) I refuse to do things I know will lead to me being unable to enjoy activities with my kids because I'm in too much pain.

So here I am...doing what I can to stay healthy and happy. I'm trying my best, and that's all any of us can do.

Have you had a fitness/dieting/nutrition lightbulb moment?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Lingerie or Books? Choose Your Own Prize Giveaway!

Valentine's Day is upon us. That one day of the year when everyone scrambles to show the one they love how much they love them by purchasing chocolates, roses, and stuffed animals. While I am a firm believer that gifts do not show how a person feels--it's very easy to go to the store and buy something--the thought and effort do show it. If you really think about the person and give them a gift you know they will truly love, something special and meaningful, that does show love and appreciation for that person. Listen to the ones you love. Listen to what they don't say. The gift is more than just a material item.

But this week I am totally giving away a material prize! And it's your choice!

My newest release, TRY ME ON FOR SIZE, is set in a lingerie store.

They cater to woman and couples, eventually branching out to men's things. Mia and Bryn's goal has always been to provide their customers with quality products and expert advice. And they know just how important lingerie can be. And not just for lovers to ogle. The right lingerie can make a woman (or man) feel sexy and beautiful, confident and courageous.

But if lingerie isn't your thing, a sexy book can do the trick too ;) I love a great romance. (Duh! That's why I write it!) The sparks and the passion, the gotta-have-you-now-or-I'll-die moments. I love being sucked in for the roller coaster of emotion.

So here's where the prize comes in!! I will draw one winner from the Rafflecopter below. This one winner will receive their choice of a $25 Gift Card to either Victoria's Secret for some sexy lingerie, or a $25 Gift Card to the book retailer of their choice (Amazon or B&N) for some sexy books, or whatever books get their heart pumping ;)

****Contest is open internationally, but the Victoria's Secret GC is for US residents only. If the winner is outside the US, the prize will defer to a Amazon, B&N, or other bookish GC. Contest will be open until Friday February 13th at noon EST. A winner will be drawn and notified, and if the recipient does not respond by Monday at noon EST, a new winner will be chosen.****

Monday, January 26, 2015


I'm participating in The Romance Reviews anniversary party! Tons of fun stuff! Check it out!!! CLICK HERE!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year, New You???

Every year, media tells us we need to become a different person in the new year. If that's what you want...then go for it! Give it all you've got and don't stop until you're reached your goal! But I'm pretty happy with who I am. :)

Of course, there are some things I'd like to strengthen though.

Health and fitness always seems to be everyone's top resolution. Which sometimes only lasts for like a month...two tops. I've been making gradual changes for years, and I'm pretty happy with where I am. I came to a realization within the last year that I was unwilling to accept at first. But I am now better off because of it (Getting old SUCKS! But it's inevitable).

One change I have made is to accept life and not punish myself with food. I did a restrictive diet earlier this year because I was in a very desperate place. But it made me miserable. I woke up and now I do my best to plan out a healthy diet. I follow the moderation rule and have no qualms with splurging and eating things that make me happy. On occasion. I refuse to call it "cheating". I think the term "cheat day" is awful and no one should use it. It implies guilt. Cheating is not a positive term.

So this year I plan to nourish this plan for moderation and well-balanced diet and life :)

I plan to do find ways to work within my limitations when it comes to exercise. I can't be the person I need and want to be if I'm laid up on the couch because I'm in pain.

I will cultivate the relationships in my life, spend more time with the people that raise me up, who love and support me, and give less time-including my mental time- to the ones who don't.

Continue to plan fun family events and cherish the time I have with my kids, but no longer let others make me feel guilty for spending adult time with my husband and friends. My kids are important, but I need adult time too. I am a better parent because of it.

And of course, I have big plans for my career! If things go well, this will be another stellar year for me!

Happy 2015!