Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do blog contests draw readers in???

Can I ask my bloggy friends out there, why do you do contests?? Is it just for fun? Or do you hope to get something out of it?? More followers? A boost in sales??? I'm really curious as to your reasons for doing it.

I did one contest on my blog a while back. I had seen others do them and it seemed like a neat idea! Give away a cool prize (make someone's day) and maybe boost my follower list in the process!

But I was a little disappointed. I only had about 10-12 entrants and my follower list only bumped up by 2 or 3. But I did enjoy making someone's day! :)


  1. My blog contests didn't help much but they were fun. I've heard the way to get followers is to sign up for a blogfest on a specific topic.

    I get followers by following other people's blogs and leaving comments.

  2. I do it as a way of thanking followers or celebrating moments. The first contest didn't earn me many new followers, but when I gave away a copy of Elana Johnson's e-book, From the Query to the Call, and a 25$ Amazon card, I got about 50 new followers (maybe more). :-)

  3. Wow Shannon that is quite a hefty prize!!!!!!!!!! Do you think that makes a difference???

  4. 50 new followers is pretty impressive.
