Thursday, April 23, 2009

I love the creative process!!

I really really love the creative side of what I do. I love dreaming up a story and bringing it to life through characters I come to love, that become my close personal friends. I know everything about them...I know how they tick. I hope they can become friends to my readers. I hope my readers can identify with them and find someone to connect with, even if it is a fictional character. That's when I know my job as a writer is done! If I can put a smile one someone's face and have them say "Yeah, I've been there", I am happy!

I am actually in creative mode and editing mode at the same time. I think I am done editing Soap Dreams, my latest creation- the novelette. And I am on to another novelette that is based on a flash fiction piece I wrote that took top 10 honors for WOW! Women on Writing's Flash Fiction contest. It's called Paradise Cove. But I'm not sure if that will stay. The flash fiction piece was titled- A Faded Oasis and I really like that, but this is a continuation, where the oasis becomes un-faded and is renewed, brought back to life.

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